


Andrew Piper, “What do characters do? The embodied agency of fictional characters.” Journal of Computational Literary Studies 2.1 (2023).

Andrew Piper and Sunyam Bagga, "Toward a Data-Driven Theory of Narrativity." New Literary History 54.1 (2022): 879-901.

Andrew Piper and Olivier Toubia, "A quantitative study of non-linearity in storytelling." Poetics 98 (2023).

Sil Hamilton and Andrew Piper, "MultiHATHI: A Complete Collection of Multilingual Prose Fiction in the HathiTrust Digital Library." Journal of Open Humanities Data 9,3 (2023).


Andrew Piper, Matt Erlin, Allie Blank, Douglas Knox, Stephen Pentecost. "The predictability of literary translation." NLP4DH: Natural Language Processing for the Digital Humanities (2022).

Andrew Piper and Sunyam Bagga. "A quantitative study of fictional things." CHR 2022: Computational Humanities Research Conference (2022).

Sil Hamilton and Andrew Piper. "The COVID That Wasn't: Counterfactual Journalism Using GPT." Proceedings of the 6th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature(2022) 83-93.

Andrew Piper. "The CONLIT Dataset of Contemporary Literature." Journal of Open Humanities Data 8,24 (2022).

Margaret Meehan, Dane Malenfant, Andrew Piper. "Causality Mining in Fiction." Proceedings of the Text2Story22 Workshop(2022): 25-34.

Benjamin LeBrun, Kaitlyn Todd, and Andrew Piper. "Buying the news: A quantitative study of the effects of corporate acquisition on local news." New Media & Society, (2022).

Sunyam Bagga and Andrew Piper. "HATHI 1M: Introducing a Million Page Historical Prose Dataset in English from the Hathi Trust." Journal of Open Humanities Data 8:7 (2022): 1-10.


Andrew Piper, Richard Jean So, and David Bamman. "Narrative Theory for Computational Narrative Understanding."Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pp. 298-311 (2021).

Andrew Piper, Sunyam Bagga, Laura Monteiro, Andrew Yang, Marie Labrosse, and Yu Lu Liu. "Detecting Narrativity Across Long Time Scales." CHR 2021: Computational Humanities Research Conference (2021).

Matt Erlin, Andrew Piper, Douglas Knox, Stephen Pentecost, Michaela Drouillard, Brian Powell, and Cienna Townson. "Cultural Capitals: Modeling 'Minor' European Literature." Journal of Cultural Analytics 2 (2021): 40-73.

Andrew Piper, "Digitization." Information: A Historical Companion. Eds. Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja Goeing, and Anthony Grafton (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021) 402-406.

J. Berenike Herrmann, Arthur M. Jacobs, and Andrew Piper. "Computational Stylistics." Handbook of Empirical Literary Studies (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021): 451-483.

Sunyam Bagga, Andrew Piper, and Derek Ruths. "Are you kidding me? Detecting Unpalatable Questions on Reddit." In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume, pp. 2083-2099 (2021).


Andrew Piper, Chad Wellmon and Mohamed Cheriet. "The Page Image: Towards a Visual History of Digital Documents." Book History 23 (2020): 365-397

Andrew Piper and James Manalad, "Measuring Unreading."Goethe Yearbook 27 (2020): 233-241.

Andrew Piper, "Enumerative." Further Reading. Eds. Matthew Rubery and Leah Price (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020) 145-151.


Stephania DeGaetano-Ortlieb and Andrew Piper, "The Scientization of Literary Study." Proceedings of the 3rd Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature. (2019): 18-28.

Eve Kraicer and Andrew Piper, "Social Characters: The Hierarchy of Gender in Contemporary English-Language Fiction." Journal of Cultural Analytics. January 2019.


Sherif Abuelwafa et al. "Detecting Footnotes in 32 million pages of ECCO." Journal of Cultural Analytics. December 2018.

Andrew Piper and Jonathan Sachs, "Techniqe and the Time of Reading." PMLA 133.5 (2018): 1259-1267.


Andrew Piper, "Think Small: On Literary Modeling." PMLA 132.3 (2017): 651-658.

Chad Wellmon and Andrew Piper, "Publication, Power and Patronage: On Inequality and Academic Publishing." Critical Inquiry (July 2017).


Andrew Piper and Eva Portelance, "How Cultural Capital Works: Prizewinning Novels, Bestsellers, and the Time of Reading."Post45 (2016).

Andrew Piper, "Fictionality." Journal of Cultural Analytics. December 2016.

Fei Shu, Lariviere V., Mongeon P., Julien C., and Piper, A., "On the Evolution of Library and Information Science Doctoral Dissertation Topics in North America (1960-2013)." Journal Of Education For Library & Information Science 57.2 (2016): 131-142.

Hardik Vala, Andrew Piper, and Derek Ruths, "The More Antecedents the Merrier: Tackling Multiple Antecedents in Anaphor Resolution." Association for Computational Linguistics(ACL-2016).

Hardik Vala, Stefan Dimitrov, David Jurgens, Andrew Piper, and Derek Ruths, "Annotating Characters in Literary Corpora: A Scheme, the Charles Tool, and an Annotated Novel."Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2016).


Hardik Vala, David Jurgens, Andrew Piper, and Derek Ruths, "Mr. Bennet, his coachman, and the Archbishop walk into a bar but only one of them gets recognized: On The Difficulty of Detecting Characters in Literary Texts." Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-2015).

Stefan Dimitrov, Faiyaz Zamal, Andrew Piper, and Derek Ruths, "Goodreads vs Amazon: The Effect Of Decoupling Book Reviewing And Book Selling." International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-14) 2015.

Andrew Piper, "Novel Devotions: Conversional Reading, Computational Modeling, and the Modern Novel." New Literary History 46.1 (2015): 63-98.

2014 and before

Andrew Piper, "Deleafing: The History of Losing Print." Gramma. Special Issue: The History and Future of the 19th-Century Book. Eds. Maria Schoina and Andrew Stauffer. Vol. 21 (2013): 13-25.

Andrew Piper, "Of Automatics: Sophie von la Roche and the Life of the Writer's Desk." Women's Writing. Special Issue: "Women's Writing Materials of the Eighteenth Century." 21.3 (2014): 405-415.

Andrew Piper and Mark Algee-Hewitt, "The Werther Effect I: Goethe Topologically." Co-authored with Mark Algee-Hewitt. Distant Readings: Topologies of German Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century. Ed. Matt Erlin and Lynn Tatlock (Rochester: Camden House, 2014) 155-184.

Andrew Piper, "Vertiginous Life: Goethe, Bones, and Italy." Marking Time: Romanticism and Evolution. Ed. Joel Faflak (Toronto: U of Toronto Press, forthcoming).

Andrew Piper, "Egologies: Goethe, Entoptics, and the Instruments of Writing Life." Goethe's Ghosts: The Persistance of Literature. Ed. Simon Richter and Richard Block (Rochester: Camden House, 2013) 17-36.

Andrew Piper, "Reading's Refrain: From Bibliography to Topology." ELH. 80.2. Special Issue on "Reading." Ed. Joseph Slaughter (Summer 2013): 373-399.

Andrew Piper, "Vanishing Points: The Heterotopia of the Romantic Book." European Romantic Review. 23.3 (2012): 381-391.

Andrew Piper, "Transitional Figures: Image, Translation and the Ballad from Broadside to Photography." Book Illustration in the Long Eighteenth Century: Reconfiguring the Visual Periphery of the Text. Ed. Christina Ionescu (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011) 157-191.

Andrew Piper, "Romantic Cultures of Print: From Miscellaneity to Dialectic." Ravon. Special Issue: Romantic Cultures of Print. Eds. Jonathan Sachs and Andrew Piper. No. 57-58 (February-May, 2010).

Andrew Piper, "Media and Metamorphosis: On Books and Notes." The New Everyday. Special Issue: "Notes, Lists, and Everyday Inscriptions." Ed. Shannon Mattern. (October 2010).

Andrew Piper, “Paraphrasis: Goethe, the Novella, and Forms of Translational Knowledge.” Goethe Yearbook. Vol. 17. Ed. Daniel Purdy (Rochester: Camden House, 2010) 179-201.

Andrew Piper, “Mapping Vision: Goethe, Cartography and the Novel.” Spatial Turns: Space, Place, and Mobility in German Literary and Visual Culture. Eds. Jaimey Fisher and Barbara Mennel (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010) 27-51.

Andrew Piper, "The Art of Sharing: Reading in the Romantic Miscellany." Bookish Histories: Books, Literature, and Commercial Modernity, 1700-1900. Eds. Paul Keen and Ina Ferris (New York: Palgrave, 2009) 126-147.

Andrew Piper, “Korpus. Brentano, das Buch und die Mobilisierung eines literarischen und politischen Körpers.”Textbewegungen 1800/1900. Hg. Matthias Buschmeier u. Till Dembeck (Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2007) 266-286.

Andrew Piper, “The Making of Transnational Textual Communities: German Women Translators 1800-1850.” Women in German Yearbook. Vol. 22. Ed. Helga Kraft and Maggie McCarthy (Lincoln: Nebraska UP, 2006) 119-144.

Andrew Piper, “Rethinking the Print Object: Goethe and the Book of Everything.” PMLA. Special Issue: “The History of the Book and the Idea of Literature.” Eds. Seth Lerer and Leah Price. 121.1 (January 2006): 124-138. [Winner of the Goethe Society of North America’s Essay Prize 2006.]



